News & Updates
Pastoral Letter – Unbounded Love
This year, the Methodist theme for Lent is Unbounded Love. God’s love does not stay within the boundaries. We are reflecting on God’s love for us and for all, beyond the lines. As we prepare our hearts and minds for the mystery of the Resurrection, we are more reliant on God’s unbounded love in our day-to-day lives. We need to experience God’s sacrificial love in our lives bytrusting in Him alone. Where there is God’s divine love, there is forgiveness…
Café Together
Café Together at Bell Road has been open on Thursday evenings in November, December and January providing a free two-course home-cooked meal to anyone who comes whatever their need. Our guests range from people who are homeless or in temporary accommodation to those who are finding life very difficult financially and emotionally and are grateful for the meal and company. We have a wonderful team of volunteers mostly from Bell Road andSt Mary’s, Osterley, with whom we share the evenings.…
Pastoral Letter – Lent
Dear friends, As we approach the sacred season of Lent, I am deeply grateful for theopportunity to share this transformative journey with each of you. Lent is a time of reflection, self-discovery, and spiritual renewal- a period during which we draw close to God through prayer, fasting, and acts of kindness. Lent beckons us to pause and turn our hearts toward God in the busyness of our lives and the myriad challenges we face. As we embark on this Lenten…
Christmas with the Bell Road Band III
We had a good crowd for the Christmas gig with the Bell Road Band. The stage set (and church Christmas decorations) took on a new look with luminous Christmas trees providing a bright and colourful front. The gig was in two halves. In the first half the Band shared some old and new versions of carols and Christmas songs including a jaunty version of ‘O Come all ye Faithful’ and ‘What Child is this’ as well as some modern songs,including…
Pastoral Letter – Advent
Welcome to the Advent season! I am sure we are all busy with the seemingly endless preparation of Christmas and you all will agree with me that it is one of the most chaotic times of the year for those who are celebrating Christmas. And why should it not be – it is the time of the year we are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Advent season brings a time of joy, hope, happiness, and…
Young Peoples Sunday
A few weeks ago, a very full church celebrated Young People’s Day. We heard all about the recent 3Generate weekend and said thank you to all our JMA collectors for the money raised last year. Certificates were presented to the young people and to Celia, who has stepped down as a JMA leader and is now (un)officially called a ‘JMA aunty’! Thank you to Joyce, who has taken on the role, sharing it with Lyneth. It was a wonderful and…
Pastoral Letter – Life is a Journey
“Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon” John 4:6 Life is a journey of self-discovery where individuals are constantly trying to come to terms with who they are as a person. Through this journey, individuals can find their calling or vocation in life, discover their potential, know themselves, and even just make sense of life. Everyone’s journey in life is different so to speak; we…
Exploring Racial Justice at the London Synod
The September Synod remembered the anniversary of Stephen Lawrence’s death and the 75th Windrush anniversary by exploring racial justice as a theme. It was a really good day, interesting and thought provoking. In the morning we had two keynote speakers: Dr. Lisa Adjei, British Church Relations Manager at Christian Aid and Leader of Sankofa CollectiveLisa reminded us that it is 30 years since the murder of Stephen Lawrence and there was still much to be done. She based her thoughts…
Pastoral Letter – Do not worry
26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6: 26-34 (NSRVA) Greetings from the Gujarati Methodist Fellowship. For the last couple of months, in our Bible study, we have been focusing on the Gospel of Matthew and covering the basic topics of Christian life, while reflecting on the topic of ‘Do not worry’ from Matthew 6:25-34.…
Reflection – Confession of Sin
In the previous week’s reflection, we noted the need to draw ourselves into the presence of God. This suggests we may have moved away and fallen from God’s grace. Sin is the obstacle that separates us from the love of God. In general, sin must be acknowledged and confessed in order to be forgiven. Several testimonies from the Bible make clear that God uses His Word to convict us of our sins and sinfulness. The Holy Spirit opens our heart for the reality of…
Refelection – Contemplation
“let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water”. (Hebrews 10:22) In this scripture there is one main, straightforward command, namely, “Draw near!” That is what the writer wants you to do. Draw near. It is a directing of the heart into the presence of God who is as distant as the…
Reflection – Humility: The path to greatness
Luke 14:7-11 While I’m waiting for my flight at the departure gate, I observe how the gatekeeper calls passengers to proceed for boarding according to their seating group. I watch all the important people go first: Business class /First Class, Gold flyers, and so on. Finally, they get to zone 4, zone 3, zone 2 , zone 1 , and I get to board the plane. On the way to my seat in economy class, I pass through first class…
Reflection – On Temptation
We all have to go through times of temptation, as no one is immune to temptation. Jesus experienced temptation of every kind and was able to overcome. His example teaches us what we need to know in battling temptation and rising above it in our own lives. In the first temptation of Jesus (vs. 3-4), one would wonder what was the underlying need Satan was trying to manipulate? Jesus must have been really hungry after 40 days in the wilderness. The…
Living in God’s presence – A message from the Manse
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:6,7 NIV) In such times as the time we are living in, some people tend to think that no one understands them, no one cares and therefore there is nothing worthy to live for. What the world only seems to offer is…
Watching Over One another in Love – November 2020
Dear Friends, “I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” . Isaiah 43:19 (NRSV) Greetings and blessings to you. Have you ever struggled with fear, insecurity, or doubt? You are not alone. The early believers of the church, found in the book of Acts, certainly did! I am sure most of us do so today. Hence, my reason for writing this letter to you my dear friends, brothers, and sisters in Christ to give you a message of hope…
The Best of All God is God is with Us – Pastoral Letter
Dear Friends, Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go Joshua 1:9 (NRSV) Greetings to you all in the love of Christ who joins us as one family in the kingdom of God. I am writing to wish you a spirit-filled and spirit-guided season as we begin yet a new Connexional year. September is a new year for the Methodist community. The year is usually characterised with…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in Love – Part 14
Dear Friends, When Mary came where Jesus was and saw him, she knelt at his feet and said to him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” John 11:32 (NRSV) Most people hate delays. I am sure you would do everything you could to avoid them. During the season of lockdown we have had lots of appointments cancelled- from hospital appointments, booked holidays and school examinations postponed or cancelled. This implies a delay in accomplishing what…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in love – Part 13
Dear Friends, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinegrower. He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit” John 15:1,2 (NRSV) Blossoms are blooming and bees are buzzing…Spring is here and summer is around! I enjoy spending some time in my garden- often between weeding, tending my young plants and of late picking some ripe strawberries. This practice has kept me rejuvenated especially this time…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in Love – Part 12
Dear Friends, “PEACE I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27 (NRSV) It is almost two months since the country went into lockdown and I am extremely aware that this has created a complex and challenging environment in which to operate. It has been a time of great trials and troubles. I am confident that God…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in love – Part 11
Dear Friends, Watching over one another in love (Week 11) “…I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 (NRSV) This letter is coming to you shortly after Aldersgate Sunday and before Pentecost Sunday, two significant events both in the history of Methodism and the Christian church. On the 24th of May 1738, John Wesley had a great turning point in…
Pastoral Letter – Watching Over one another in love – Part 10
Dear Friends, “…Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.” Romans 12:11-13 (The Message). A friend of mine is a passionate football fan. He shared with me how much he has missed watching his much-loved game, either a live match or on TV, during this lockdown. He went on to tell me that he recently watched…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in Love – Part 9
Dear Friends, “…what are human beings that you are mindful of them, or mortals, that you care for them? You have made them for a little while lower than the angels; you have crowned them with glory and honour, subjecting all things under their feet.” Hebrews 2:6-8 (NRSV) This is the day that the Lord has made…waking up to the shining sun, a blue sky, and a chill in the air, yet still faced with the threat of COVID 19. The path may not be easy,…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in Love – Part 8
Dear Friends, “…Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” Philippians 4:6 (NIV) I have often heard people say, “You are in my thoughts and prayers” which is as good as saying ‘I will pray for you’. This is so encouraging and assuring to anyone who needs prayer. I can ascertain that this promise is made with good intention but most of the time we delay the…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in Love – Part 7
Dear Friends, …and after the earthquake fire, but God wasn’t in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper. 1 Kings 19:11,12 (MSG) In this letter I am inviting you to listen to God and to take heed of His directions about your life. It is easy to get wrapped up in what we want, especially because our culture tells us that we should always be happy, that we’re in charge of our own happiness, and that we hold…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in love – Part 6
Dear Friends, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, Rejoice.” Philippians 4:4 (NRSV) I am reaching out to you again in this lock down, a hopeless and uncertain situation! This reminds me of a certain family who was once in isolation as we read from Genesis chapter 7. Noah and his family (total of eight) were shut in the ark during the floods. Unlike Noah who was told by God that the floods would take 40 days and 40…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in Love – Part 4
“But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour” (Isaiah 43:1-3a) I am writing to you during this time of Holy Week facing the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic…
Pastoral Letter – Watching over one another in Love – Part 3
Dear Friends, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand”. (John 10:28 NIV) Friends, the COVID-19 turbulence has caused a lot of fear, panic and confusion. “Yes, there is fear. But there does not have to be hate. Yes, there is isolation. But there does not have to be loneliness,” wrote Richard Hendrick (Irish Priest). Hence the reason for my keeping in touch, through this letter, to offer continued…
Fireworks Evening
On Friday 2nd November we had our annual family fireworks fun. We welcomed over 60 people from our Church and wider family and guides and brownies too. A fun evening was had by all with board games, crafts, food and of course, the all important fireworks! Thank you to everyone who helped and came along to support the evening.
Harvest Festival
This weekend was our harvest festival. On Saturday we had a Christian Aid “Big Brekkie” where lots of people came to get their cooked breakfast/brunch/lunch! A grand total of £187 was raised. On Sunday Revd. Adam talked about celebration and living our faith, as well as presenting out ecochurch plaque. Photos of the harvest display can be seen below.
Getting Messy for Christmas
Yesterday we had our first Messy Church. During the afternoon we took part in different craft activities to make us think about Christmas. There was a picture of angels and sheep with plenty of glitter. A manger where we were encouraged to write something we would like to say to Jesus. Racing Angels to talk about how God delivered messages. Edible nativity scenes to tell the story of Christmas. All this was finished off with a giant Christmas wreath in…
Starting Advent with Paul Bell at Cafe Arts
Paul Bell kicked of our Advent and Christmas Celebrations with a wonderful evening of music, including his own songs (both Christmasy and others) as well as a selection of his other favourite carols. The evening was full of his now trademark humour and poignant lyrics. It was a wonderful way to start advent. You can find his music and order his Christmas album on his website
Dave Bilbrough at Café Arts
This weekend, Dave Bilbrough returned to Café Arts to kick off the new season. During the evening he shared songs from his new album “The Song That I Sing” as well as many of his other songs and enduring favourites. All this was accompanied by his son Dan Bilbrough on percussion which enhanced the music beautifully. You can find out more about Dave Bilbrough on his website at . Café Arts is our Christian Arts project which hosts singers,…
In Harmony with Creation – A Day Out
Last Sunday we had a church outing to Bedfont Lakes Country Park as part of our in harmony with creation campaign. After a picnic, people were invited to try their hand at a number of different activities including building shelters, exploring all the colours of creation, making land art and creating leaf based window hangers. The weather held out and a fantastic day was had by everyone.
Celebrating the Wonder of Creation
Last weekend we celebrated our harvest festival on the theme of “Wonder of Creation”. Saturday morning we held a Big Breakfast which was very well attended, had a great atmosphere and raised £110 for Christian Aid. Thank you to everyone who came. Sunday morning was a very special service, led by Revd. Adam (his first service with us!) when he preached on how wonderful creation is and launched our campaign against climate change and environmental abuse. You can hear the…
Revd. Emma’s welcome to her new circuit
Revd. Emma was welcomed into her new circuit (Wimbledon) and sent her thanks to the members of Bell Road who came along to support her. She also sent some photos for those who couldn’t make it. Please continue praying for Revd. Emma and Nana in their new church and circuit.
Welcoming our new minister
On Monday we welcomed and celebrated with our new minister Revd. Adam as he was commissioned by the circuit to serve at Hounslow and Heston. At the service we also commissioned Ali, who is a member of our church, in her new role as urban missioner to the Alton Estate in Roehampton. You can see photos below, which also includes the picture coloured in separately and put together from across the circuit. If you missed the service and would like…
Statements from the Methodist Church following EU Referendum
The Revd Steve Wild and Jill Barber, the President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference, have released the following joint statement following the EU referendum. The people have spoken through the democratic process. We recognise that the result will cause pain to some people who voted with passion and integrity and that now is the time to move forward together with goodwill. The structures have changed but our hopes for a fair, just and equal society continue. We must now…
Thursday Bible Study
Our Bible Study group has continued with great success and enthusiasm. Thanks to our group of between 13 – 16 people. Some have only joined during the Lent Studies, but we have been pleased to share with others from some churches in the Circuit. Many thanks to Rev. Emma for her guidance and leadership, to those who have been brave enough to lead some sessions too. At the end of the Lent session when we met weekly, we decided to…
Campaigning Report
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8) The campaigning group is delighted to be able to report back on what has been Bell Road’s third year of campaigning. What began as a one-year project to encourage the church community to raise its voice alongside the oppressed and the vulnerable has now become a…
Leprosy Mission Report
Our church has continued to support this charity, which does so much for those marginalised because they have Leprosy or a member of their family does. Each year in January, we hold a service in this church to raise awareness of the work of The Leprosy Mission (TLM). How it is a lifeline for so many people who are affected by Leprosy. Either because they have the illness or where it affects their ability to work. People are still shunned…

World Mission Report
World Mission is part of the Methodist Church and carries out charitable activities. Funds are raised through the Easter Offering, JMA and individual giving. In 2014/15 Easter Offerings amounted to £267.35. The church from their own funds, in 2014/15 made two donations to this fund, one for £500 and the other for £100. Money raised is used to support various activities. It works through partnerships with other Methodist churches and other organisations; they also, run programmes helping underprivileged people in…

Technical Report
Worship and Church This year has seen a number of changes in the technological life of the church. One of the most noticeable changes is our fantastic new screens which have been paid for by a very generous anonymous donation. They have now been in use for some months and feedback has been positive and are certainly an improvement from the old worn out projector. Work is mostly completed with a few more changes and finishing off to do. A…
Christian Aid Report
We had our annual collection for Christian Aid Week in May 2015. We were also able to send money raised through The Coffee Stop. In June, there was a special day on promoting the Climate Campaign, which is where I went along to the Service in St Margaret’s (another was held at another venue at the same time as there were so many people wanting to go) although I wasn’t able to go with them to lobby MPs. Celia came…
JMA Report
From the church year beginning September 2015, presently on record, there are 24 JMA Collectors (5 fewer Collectors from the previous year – these five children no longer attend our church). We lost 5 Collectors and gained two new Collectors. Members of the church family, friends, and families of the Collectors continue to be Sponsors. They give generously and regularly small of money to the Collectors. The Collectors are encouraged to take their JMA boxes with their record book to…
Stewards Report
On record, the new church year began with 14 Church Stewards and 4 Holy Communion Stewards. General Responsibilities of Church Stewards, to support and lead whenever possible in different areas of the church’s life and activities in agreement with our Minister. We are committed to our calling to serve with God’s love, guidance with compassion. Together, we try to serve at the heart of our church community, caring and supportive to others. We share with our Minister, in confident and…
Letter from the Minister
Dear Friends, From this, my final reflection, I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you, for your contributions and devotion to the ministry of this place and beyond. Our vision, mission and ministry here would not have been noticeable if we hadn’t worked together and even most importantly prayed together. So to God be the glory, great things He has done! Membership: Our total membership as at the beginning of May 2016 was 117…
Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and…