Pastoral Letter – Lent

Pastoral Letter – Lent

Dear friends,

As we approach the sacred season of Lent, I am deeply grateful for the
opportunity to share this transformative journey with each of you. Lent is a time of reflection, self-discovery, and spiritual renewal- a period during which we draw close to God through prayer, fasting, and acts of kindness.

Lent beckons us to pause and turn our hearts toward God in the busyness of our lives and the myriad challenges we face. As we embark on this Lenten journey, let us rest assured that we are alone but are united as a community of believers, supporting and encouraging one another along the way.

May I point you to some Lent studies where you can connect with others for spiritual resourcing on this Lenten journey on the theme ‘Unbounded Love’.

The theme of Lent is not solely about sacrifice; instead, it is an invitation to grow in faith, hope, and love. Let us approach this season with open hearts, ready to receive abundant grace from our merciful God. Through prayer let us deepen our connection with the divine. Fasting lets us detach from the material world and focus on the spiritual. Through acts of kindness and generosity, let us embody the love of Christ in our interactions with others.

Wishing you a blessed and meaningful Lenten journey.

In Christ’s love,
Rev. Adam Nyawo