New Visitor?

New Visitor?

Our church is a very warm and welcoming church which actively reaches out to the local community, I love it. – Amon

Are you planning on visiting us for the first time? If you are then sometimes it is nice to have an overview of what to expect, so here is a short guide.

The first thing to be expected is a warm welcome. Our main service starts at 10:30 am but don’t worry if you are late, you won’t be the only one! There is no dress code just come as you are.

Bell road is my second family. Always welcoming and a friend to turn to. – Celia

Services generally last between an hour and an hour and a half (very occasionally it goes over!). We have a selection of hymns and songs throughout the service both modern and traditional songs. We have a church band some weeks, other weeks we have a pianist.

Every so often, in both the morning and the evening, we hold different styles of worship. In these the best thing to do is just follow everyone else – there’s not usually much you can get wrong!

Hounslow is welcoming, friendly, homely, diverse and inclusive. The teaching is in line with the word and applied to today’s issues. – Kam

In the Methodist tradition, anyone is welcome to take Holy Communion regardless of their faith tradition or whether they have been baptised and confirmed. When you come forward hold your hands out in front of you when the elements are being brought round. If you do not wish to take communion simply leave your hands down and you will receive a blessing instead.

After the service, all are welcome to join us for refreshments (free of charge) and have a chat! This is a great time to get to know people.