Posts by Rev. Helfin Jani

Pastoral Letter – Unbounded Love

This year, the Methodist theme for Lent is Unbounded Love. God’s love does not stay within the boundaries. We are reflecting on God’s love for us and for all, beyond the lines. As we prepare our hearts and minds for the mystery of the Resurrection, we are more reliant on God’s unbounded love in our day-to-day lives. We need to experience God’s sacrificial love in our lives bytrusting in Him alone. Where there is God’s divine love, there is forgiveness…
regent street christmas lights at night

Pastoral Letter – Advent

Welcome to the Advent season! I am sure we are all busy with the seemingly endless preparation of Christmas and you all will agree with me that it is one of the most chaotic times of the year for those who are celebrating Christmas. And why should it not be – it is the time of the year we are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Advent season brings a time of joy, hope, happiness, and…

Pastoral Letter – Do not worry

26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?  Matthew 6: 26-34 (NSRVA) Greetings from the Gujarati Methodist Fellowship. For the last couple of months, in our Bible study, we have been focusing on the Gospel of Matthew and covering the basic topics of Christian life, while reflecting on the topic of ‘Do not worry’ from Matthew 6:25-34.…