'GCM 2016' Tagged Posts
Thursday Bible Study
Our Bible Study group has continued with great success and enthusiasm. Thanks to our group of between 13 – 16 people. Some have only joined during the Lent Studies, but we have been pleased to share with others from some churches in the Circuit. Many thanks to Rev. Emma for her guidance and leadership, to those who have been brave enough to lead some sessions too. At the end of the Lent session when we met weekly, we decided to…
Campaigning Report
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8) The campaigning group is delighted to be able to report back on what has been Bell Road’s third year of campaigning. What began as a one-year project to encourage the church community to raise its voice alongside the oppressed and the vulnerable has now become a…
Leprosy Mission Report
Our church has continued to support this charity, which does so much for those marginalised because they have Leprosy or a member of their family does. Each year in January, we hold a service in this church to raise awareness of the work of The Leprosy Mission (TLM). How it is a lifeline for so many people who are affected by Leprosy. Either because they have the illness or where it affects their ability to work. People are still shunned…

World Mission Report
World Mission is part of the Methodist Church and carries out charitable activities. Funds are raised through the Easter Offering, JMA and individual giving. In 2014/15 Easter Offerings amounted to £267.35. The church from their own funds, in 2014/15 made two donations to this fund, one for £500 and the other for £100. Money raised is used to support various activities. It works through partnerships with other Methodist churches and other organisations; they also, run programmes helping underprivileged people in…

Technical Report
Worship and Church This year has seen a number of changes in the technological life of the church. One of the most noticeable changes is our fantastic new screens which have been paid for by a very generous anonymous donation. They have now been in use for some months and feedback has been positive and are certainly an improvement from the old worn out projector. Work is mostly completed with a few more changes and finishing off to do. A…
Christian Aid Report
We had our annual collection for Christian Aid Week in May 2015. We were also able to send money raised through The Coffee Stop. In June, there was a special day on promoting the Climate Campaign, which is where I went along to the Service in St Margaret’s (another was held at another venue at the same time as there were so many people wanting to go) although I wasn’t able to go with them to lobby MPs. Celia came…
JMA Report
From the church year beginning September 2015, presently on record, there are 24 JMA Collectors (5 fewer Collectors from the previous year – these five children no longer attend our church). We lost 5 Collectors and gained two new Collectors. Members of the church family, friends, and families of the Collectors continue to be Sponsors. They give generously and regularly small of money to the Collectors. The Collectors are encouraged to take their JMA boxes with their record book to…
Stewards Report
On record, the new church year began with 14 Church Stewards and 4 Holy Communion Stewards. General Responsibilities of Church Stewards, to support and lead whenever possible in different areas of the church’s life and activities in agreement with our Minister. We are committed to our calling to serve with God’s love, guidance with compassion. Together, we try to serve at the heart of our church community, caring and supportive to others. We share with our Minister, in confident and…
Letter from the Minister
Dear Friends, From this, my final reflection, I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you, for your contributions and devotion to the ministry of this place and beyond. Our vision, mission and ministry here would not have been noticeable if we hadn’t worked together and even most importantly prayed together. So to God be the glory, great things He has done! Membership: Our total membership as at the beginning of May 2016 was 117…