Services on Love
Just Love
Readings 1 John 4:7-12
Love Never Fails
The Service sheet can be downloaded here. You can donate to the Christian Aid coronavirus appeal here. You can give online to the church here. However this week we are encouraging donations to the Christian Aid appeal. Full Service Sermon Only
“Love” – Fourth Sunday in Advent
In the fourth and final sunday in Advent, Naomi talks about Love. What is love? What does Gods love mean for us, and how should we act it out in the world? Can love be more than “being nice?”?

Nagging Love – Mothering Sunday
Readings Psalm 107, John 3:14-21 Prayers Gathering Prayer God, our God, is rich in mercy. By God’s mercy, we are created; by God’s mercy, we know Jesus; by God’s mercy, we have been saved; by God’s mercy, we are forgiven; by God’s mercy, we are alive through the death of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Prayer of Confession Lord, we acknowledge that we have fallen short of your goodness. You are like the mother hen who…