“Where is your treasure?” – 4th September 2016
Readings Romans 8:28-39 Luke 12:22-34
“The Bread of Life”
How many of you enjoy eating? We all do! I am sure. I certainly do. Satisfying our taste buds is one of the great pleasures in life. And because it is, eating is always a great topic of conversation. Everyone loves to talk about food! In fact, if you ever find yourself in a room full of strangers, one sure way to break the ice and get people talking is to mention food. Let me tell you a story. A…
“I am the vine” – Covenant Service
Readings Deuteronomy 29: 10 – 15 Jeremiah 31: 31 – 34 Romans 12: 1 – 2 John 15:1-2
“John the Baptist: Joy” – Third Sunday in Advent
Readings Isaiah 12:2-6 Luke 3:7-18
“Prophets and Peace” – Second Sunday in Advent
Readings Isaiah 2:1-5 Luke 3:1-6 DISARM by Pedro Reyes
A Double Edged Sword – Sunday 11th October
Readings Hebrews 4: 12-16 Mark 10:17-31
Treasure – Sunday 4th October 2014
Readings Matthew 19:16-30 Philippians 3:7-12
Who do you say I am? – Sunday 13th September
Holy Communion Service including the Baptism of Kam. Readings Mark 8:27-38
Crumbs! – Sunday 6th Septermber
Readings James 2: 1-17 Mark 7: 24-30 Sermon Text Sometimes when we read the stories of Jesus we begin to build a picture of Jesus and his divinity. Somehow our picture can become quite distorted. We build him into a plaster saint only fit for our mantelpiece. We put a halo around his head and develop a picture of someone who could do nothing wrong. Our gospel reading today I think gives a picture of a totally different Jesus. It…
23 August 2015
Readings Ephesians 6:10-20 John 6:56-69 Reflection When my husband was younger, he lived in South America for a while. His school organised a class trip while his family was still adjusting to the language, and so his Mum didn’t fully understand the letter that came with the permission slip. She sent him off to school that day in shorts and t-shirt, as usual. It turned out the trip was into the Andes, and he spent the day trudging through the snow…
Extraordinary Time
Readings: Mark 3:20-35 2 Corinthians 4.13-5.1
Secrets and Stories -Easter Sunday
Readings Mark 16:1-8, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Signs and secrets Today, the fish is a symbol of Christianity that we use on keyrings and bumper stickers. But 2000 years ago, it played a much more dangerous role – 2000 years ago, when Mark’s Gospel was written, Christians lived in fear of their lives because the Roman Emperor Nero wanted to wipe them all out. The fish was chosen as a secret password, partly because Jesus’ disciples had been called to be…

Nagging Love – Mothering Sunday
Readings Psalm 107, John 3:14-21 Prayers Gathering Prayer God, our God, is rich in mercy. By God’s mercy, we are created; by God’s mercy, we know Jesus; by God’s mercy, we have been saved; by God’s mercy, we are forgiven; by God’s mercy, we are alive through the death of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Prayer of Confession Lord, we acknowledge that we have fallen short of your goodness. You are like the mother hen who…