Catch-Up (Page 3)

Catch-Up (Page 3)

Pentecost Sunday – Hope for the Hopeless

The Pentecost story is one of hope: hope when all seemed lost to the first disciples, and a reality of hope for us still today. In this week’s service, Rev Adam will share his thoughts – and John will attempt a science experiment to show what it’s like to ‘Live in the Spirit’!

Christian Aid Sunday

Today, as we give thanks for and support the work of Christian Aid, Rev. Adam reflects on each of the three Bible readings. We do have a beautiful and wonderful world, we are spoiling it and need to act – and we need to do it in the spirit of love and because the world and each of us individually are loved by God.

All You Need is Love

Today Rajie shares her thoughts and reflections on love; God’s love, our love as expressed to God, others and ourselves. It really is the basis of everything!

Jesus, the True Vine

This Sunday we welcome Rev Claudia Lupi as our preacher. Claudia is the minister at Richmond, Barnes and Whitton. Today Claudia reflects on the image of the vine as it symbolises our relationship with God.

Jesus, the Caring Shepherd

The Lord is my good shepherd – and yours. The Shepherd knows you –and he knows me. Come and walk with him beside still waters. Come and have your soul restored. The image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd is a comforting yet powerful mage.Rev Adam will be reflecting on that image and what it means to be cared for by such a caring shepherd who will always be there with us.

Breakfast on the Beach

Today Rev Heflin reflects on another of the amazing ‘resurrection appearances’ as Jesus calls some of the disciples to breakfast with him after fishing. Special thanks to Megan for sharing her story ‘of life and faith’ in our ‘Open Pages’ interview series.

The Road Not Taken

Today we are reflecting on a very special encounter with Jesus on the Emmaus Road. John will be exploring this amazing experience for the disciples and thinking about the roads we choose to take in our own lives. Special thanks to Rev Barbara for sharing her story ‘of life and faith’ in our ‘Open Pages’ interview series.